Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Cubs: 2015 better than expected, the best yet to come

It’s been a week since the Mets in the National League Championship Series ended the Cubs’ season. Some fans are still trying to process what happened and continue the grieving process and others, including myself, have moved on. Actually, it didn’t take long for me to get over it. One night of sleep did the trick…well that and knowing the future of the team is in good hands. Just like me and many other Cubs fans, Thursday was a new day and life continued but the only difference is that there would be no more Cubs baseball to look forward to. Which actually stung more than the Cubs not making the World Series.

Once the weekend came around, I was experiencing withdrawal symptoms. I just couldn’t get enough Cubs baseball. This team was just addicting to watch all year long. We got to see the young kids (who are roughly my age but I'm calling them kids) come up through the minors, join the major league roster and grow as men and baseball players. 2015 was just a sneak peak of the future. This was a young team going out everyday, loose and relaxed and just playing ball. Thats it. There was no pressure on this club and they just went out and had fun…and you know what? I had fun watching them have fun. It’s something I’ve never seen from a Cubs team before and it was truly a breath of fresh air.

For a team that was only expected to make “some noise” and were expected to “actually” contend for a World Series in 2016, the Cubs were a year ahead of schedule.  Apparently, the organization…and especially the players didn’t get that memo. It took getting no-hit in July for them to flip that switch and make a run for the World Series. A quest that came four wins short of a pennant and eight wins short of ending a drought. Nevertheless, it wasn’t a fan reaching over the railing to catch a playable ball or a black cat or a grounder through the legs or a bobbled double play that doomed the Cubs. Actually, it wasn’t any one event or “Cubbie occurrence” that determined the fate of the team. The fact of the matter is that the Cubs lost the NLCS because they got outplayed in every facet of the game. They got out hit, out pitched, and were lackluster on defense and on the base paths. If it makes anyone feel better, the Mets were definitely the hotter team. They’re a team that beat Kershaw, Greinke, Lester and Arrieta. If you can do that, you deserve to be playing the World Series. For once the baseball “Gods” were not against the Cubs…unless they came down in the form of Daniel Murphy.

There is no consolation prize for the Cubs. They fell short of the ultimate goal.  However, we should feel good as a fan base and as an organization. “Year 1” went much, much better than expected. 97 wins, won the Wild Card game against the Pirates and slayed the dragon that is the St. Louis Cardinals by eliminating them in the NLDS. It’s a tough call to determine whether this season was a success or failure. It’s a success in regards that the team was exceeding expectations and getting their playoff exposure by making it all the way to the NLCS. It’s a failure if you consider that the “inexperienced rookies” title should have been shed once they won the Wild Card and took a series from the most consistent franchise in baseball. Failing to win a World Series is a failure of a season no matter which team you are and this Cubs squad, once the calendar changed to October, was no exception.

Unlike with previous Cubs playoff teams, there is no reason to be distressed. This current team is built for the long-term is not a one-hit wonder. As Theo Epstein and Tom Ricketts keep reiterating, they want to build for sustained success. They’re building a model very similar to the St. Louis Cardinals. That model is quite simple: draft and stock up on a bevy of prospects supplemented with necessary free agent signings. Do the Cardinals win the World Series every year? No, absolutely not. They do make the playoffs almost every year, which just gives them a chance to win one. They’ve made the playoffs twelve times in the last sixteen seasons and reached the World Series four times. They’ve won two and lost two. Here's the kicker...the two times they lost were to Theo Epstein’s teams (Boston Red Sox). The point being is that all you need to do is have a team that is consistently getting to the playoffs. If you keep knocking on the door, eventually you’ll knock that door down. Love it or hate it, the Cardinals are a team you’d want the Cubs to be more like. If teams and fanbases start hating you, then you’re a team they’re jealous and envious of. Which indicates that you’re an extremely successful organization. The 2015 Cubs are just the tip of that iceberg.

I’ve been saying this since before the start of the season but the 2015 Chicago Cubs were going to be a lot like the 2008-2009 Chicago Blackhawks. A young team that got their playoff experience but was a year away. If anyone recalls the ’08-’09 Blackhawks went to the Western Conference Finals and lost to the Red Wings in five games. They added a seasoned veteran leader in Marian Hossa and we all know what happened the following season. They won the Stanley Cup and went on a run to win three championships and six seasons. That’s the kind of run I would expect from the Cubs in the coming years. The Cubs and Blackhawks are two teams that pretty much mirror each other in organizational structure and philosophy. The Blackhawks and Cubs both had or have a significant championship drought. The Blackhawks had one of 49 years that ended and the Cubs currently have one of 108 years. 

As Cubs fans, we’re all aware of the 108-year drought and the supposed “curse of the Billy goat”. The last thing we needed was for the TBS’ broadcast team and the national baseball guys to be constantly reminding us of it. Stop throwing it in our face. We get it; the Cubs haven’t won in 108 years now and are trying to break a “curse”.  Do we seriously realize how stupid this sounds? How is a 108-year drought relevant to any of us? I, for sure, haven’t been around for that long. I’m only 25 years old and that’s as long as Cubs futility runs for me. I don’t care about the 83 years before that because quite frankly, I was not alive and have no interest in about anything that happened to the Cubs before my existence. This is the general rule of thumb which should apply for every Cubs fan out there. Why should we care about anything that happened to the franchise before we were alive? Oh, and there is the entire “Cubs are cursed by a goat” thing. The sheer ignorance of this “curse” chaps my behind. Let me get this straight, someone was dumb enough to bring a goat into a ballpark…A GOAT…and when he and his pet were asked to leave he felt so offended that he “cursed” the Cubs? Who the hell brings a goat to the stadium? Did people not have common sense in 1945? Billy Sianis, you and your goat are mind numbingly moronic. “You are going to lose this World Series and you are never going to win another World Series again. You are never going to win a World Series again because you insulted my goat”. Like we haven't heard that from a drunk, belligerent oaf outside an opponents ballpark before. Well, Mr. Sianis, you did come in handy by giving me a great idea. I’m going to get myself a pet pig. I will then proceed to buy two tickets to Busch Stadium or U.S Cellular Field and when I get kicked out, because it’s absolutely certain that I will, I’m going to “curse” the St. Louis Cardinals or the Chicago White Sox.  You have offended me, my pig and my intelligence. However, equally stupid are those that are beating the story of the curse and the drought to death.  Do you have nothing else to talk about? Whenever the Cubs are in the playoffs, it’s a guarantee that the network and reporters covering them will bring up these two things. It’s a poor attempt to build the hype and as a Cubs fan we don’t need to be reminded, we know. The baseball fans around the country…know. Even people outside the country…know. Pretty much the whole damn world knows. Why? Because it’s silly, stupid and absolutely hilarious. For the media and non-Cubs fans, it’s a feeble attempt to take shots at the team and let’s face it; for the most part the Cubs have been a walking joke. Sooner rather than later, my friends, that will no longer be the case. Oh and I do realize that I just reminded Cubs fans of the drought and curse in the process of telling you that we don’t be reminded of it. For that, fellow Cubs fans, I am sorry.

2015 was a spectacular season but fell just shy of a World Series appearance. The team did a lot more than anyone expected them to do. That includes the Owner, the President of Baseball Operations, the General Manager and the Manager. Now, we look forward to what should be an interesting off-season with some big names out on the market. There could very well be a splash signing and/or a couple trades to bolster and improve the roster. Then in February, it’s time to report to Spring Training in Mesa, Arizona for the start of the 2016 season. Be warned though, baseball is a weird a game. You can’t predict regression or injuries. Nothing is guaranteed and it’s going to be really hard for the Cubs. They’re not sneaking up on anyone like they did this season and there will be a target on their back. They play in what is the toughest division in baseball with the Cardinals and Pirates also being consistent playoff teams. The question is how much more can they improve on 2015? 97 wins, Wild Card win, NLDS win and a trip to the NLCS. The 97 wins were 3rd best in their division...think about it. 97 wins couldn't win you the division. Of those 97 wins, 22 were thanks to Arrieta and his magical second half. Theres significant doubt that he can repeat this historic and record setting performance. Nevertheless, the Cubs are going to make moves this winter and look to improve on the 2015 season and I believe that they will. The sting of losing the way they did in the NLCS should be a driving force and motivation for 2016 and if I were a gambling man, I’d put my money on them next season. It's ok to feel disappointed right now on how the season ended but don't lose sight of what the Cubs can do going forward. It's going to be extremely fun watching them and the party at Wrigley, WHEN they win the World Series, is going to be truly the most amazing thing ever seen. Yes, I did just say "when" not "if". So, Back to the Future II was wrong…big deal. Plus, the director of the movie was Cardinals fan. He probably stole information from an Astros fan’s computer anyways. HA!

Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Ranting & rambling: Cubs 2015 Postseason

We are just an hour away from the most anticipated Cubs game in seven years. Yes, the Cubs are back in the postseason and will be playing the Pirates in the one and done Wild Card game.

This game has dug up and opened the bottle of emotions that I and many other Cubs fans have suppressed since 2008. It’s a whirlwind of happiness, excitement, nervousness, fear and anxiety. The worst part isn’t even the Cubs playing in this game, it’s the two days off between this game and the last regular season game. It gave us the fans two days to sit in anticipation and think about the drought and the bad luck this team has had in years past.

It’s a new era of baseball in Chicago. These Cubs are young and naïve. They’re not thinking about the drought and the bad omens that are linked with the franchise. They don’t care about the Durham error, the Bartman play, the Gonzalez bobble or the 2007 and 2008 playoff failures. Joe Maddon is keeping things light and having these guys play with no pressure. Maddon and Jon Lester sent messages to the young guys in the locker room. Firstly, Maddon dropped a golden quote during his introductory press conference when he told the team “don’t ever let the pressure exceed the pleasure”. It’s the mantra the team has been following all season. Lester provided an ingenious quote himself by giving advice to the team in August to “play stupid”. 

The Cubs will be an extremely dangerous team in the postseason and it will start with the Wild Card game. This team has nothing to lose. It’s their first time in the playoffs and they’re going to be playing with no pressure on them. The last thing any team wants to see is a young, talented, hungry Cubs team that has nothing to prove playing loose, no pressure baseball. This Cubs team has a big window that’s just opening and it’s not the last of any team in the NL sees of them.

In 2009, Tom Ricketts bought the Cubs. In 2011, he brought Theo Epstein, Jed Hoyer and Jason McCleod. They stripped this entire organization down and planted the seeds. They watered it; they gave it light and nurtured this team. We saw the budding of life and now it’s nearly grown into a beautiful flower. What makes this 2015 team so special and different from the 2003, 2007 and 2008 teams is that this is homegrown talent and players that have been in the Cubs’ system. Not just players bought in Free Agency. This is what us fans have seen grow and develop before our very eyes. There is a special bond, so to say, with this team. Personally, this is the most fun and joy I’ve had watching a Cubs team. That even includes the magical run of 2003 and the super team they had in 2008. We have spent 7 long years in the cellar and 2015 it just the start of something. No matter the result of this Wild Card game or what happens in the postseason, just remember this is the just the tip of the iceberg.

2015 was a remarkable season. We all knew this team was going to be driven by rookies and they’d have a good season. I had them penciled in for 82-85 wins and if ALL WENT RIGHT….maybe 88 wins.  Almost everything did go right for them.  Schwarber and Bryant did big things. Soler was decent, Russell was spectacular with the glove and came in clutch with big hits and Arrieta won 22 games and had a record setting 2nd half. Castro got benched and re-emerged and Rizzo did Rizzo type things…yet again. They far exceeded everyone’s expectations finishing with 97 wins. Even Epstein and Maddon didn’t expect 97 victories for Year 1 of the product. Yes, I’m calling them the product because this isn’t a rebuild anymore. The Cubs are the real deal. Ricketts, Epstein the front office have created a monster…a monster maybe nobody can stop in the years to come. Hell, who knows? Maybe 2015 is the year.

I feel the need to reiterate this again…but this is a new era in Cubs baseball. The past is the past and it’s time to move on and forget. There are no curses, jinxes, bad omens or “Cubbie occurrences” for all that I’m concerned. There is just a team full of young, oblivious, naïve, and talented baseball players led by probably the best manager in baseball. It’s a GRRREAT combination to have.  If they win, excellent; if they lose and something bizarre happens it’s on the players. The great part of having a young baseball team is its 25 guys on the roster that just want to have fun and play baseball. They have the desire to win and won’t mentally unravel like the previous teams. Yes, I’m referring to the 2003 NLCS disaster.  These guys won’t buy tickets to fly back home after a game or expect something bad to happen and fold under pressure like a cheap folding chair.

For those of you who believe in superstitions and weird signs that the stars are aligning…I’m with you.  In the words of the great Michael Scott, “I’m not superstitious, but I am a little stitious”. the way, I'm fully buying into the Back to the Future II prediction of the Cubs winning it all in 2015. If you’re wondering if I’ve lost my marbles, then you’re correct…especially when it comes to the Cubs. It’s just a part of being a die-hard Cubs fan. You take whatever you can get. You raise your hopes and watch it come to fruition or crash and burn. Which leads me into my next point. I’m sure you all have seen this by now but there is a freaky little numbers thing going on:

Cubs drought: 107 years
Last won World Series: 1908.

Date of 2015 Wild Card game: 10/7 (107)
Game time: 7:08 (19:08 in military time = 1908).

Oh if that wasn’t weird enough for you. The last time the Bears beat the Raiders at Soldier Field was in 2003. The Bears were 0-3 and won on a last second field goal. The Cubs happened to make the NLCS and go up 3-1 in the series. What just happened last Sunday? Bears were 0-3 and the Raiders came to Soldier Field and lost on a last second field goal.

I’m not saying this means anything and the Cubs will win it all….or am I? Hmmm.

The Cubbies are starting their quest to win a World Series tonight. All we need to do is support them and keep the negativity away from this team. Let’s put the kibosh on the fear, nervousness and anxiety. If they lose tonight, it’s not the end of the world. They’re going to be a force to reckon with for a while. So take a deep breath, grab a drink, get some food, get together with friends and/or family and enjoy some meaningful October CUBS baseball!

For all those Cubs haters still around....there won’t be much to make fun of very soon (Cardinals, White Sox and Pirates fans).


Sunday, September 13, 2015

2015 NFL Predictions

The 2015 NFL season kicked off on Thursday night with the Patriots beating the Steelers 28-21.  The rest of the league starts today and it's a full slate of football. So, it only makes sense to make predictions for this season.

AFC North

Steelers (11-5)

The Steelers are primed for an amazing season. Offensively, there is no other team in the league that can match this team personnel-wise. They’ve surrounded two time Superbowl champion Ben Roethlisberger with RB Le’veon Bell, and WRs Antonio Brown and Martavis Bryant. They may have lost two key defensive players (one being future hall of famer Troy Polamalu) but their offense will be able to carry them far into the playoffs.

Ravens (11-5)

I believe it’ll be a dogfight between the Steelers and Ravens for the division title. The Ravens are coming off another stellar offseason. RB Justin Forsett is back after a rather surprising season and I do not expect him to slow down. WR Steve Smith is back for one last season and he’ll be giving it his all to go out on a winning note. I think elite QB Joe Flacco will have the best season of his career. Defensively, Terrell Suggs and Elvis Dumervil will be back in the nightmares of QBs this season. Look forward to seeing this team on your tv screen in February.

Bengals (10-6)

Andy Dalton is yet to win a playoff game, but that may change this year. He still has top five WR AJ Green and two excellent RBs in Giovani Bernard and Jeremy Hill. But it’s not the offense that will determine this team’s success. If this team was in any other division they would win more than 10 games but that sadly isn’t the case.

Browns (6-10)

With this division the Browns, once again, have no shot at making the playoffs. Johnny Manziel has yet to prove himself. This team hasn’t changed for the better, they’ve changed for the worse. If that was even possible of course.

AFC South

Colts (12-4)

This team has had a great offense for a solid amount of time. The only reason they haven’t been to the Super Bowl yet is due to their weak defense. If Andrew Luck can keep being Andrew Luck and their defense steps it up, you might see this team go far this year.

Texans (9-7)

QB troubles after QB troubles lead me to believe the Texans won’t have as good of a season as everyone expects them to have. With Brian Hoyer starting over Ryan Mallet you can already see they don’t have much depth at the position. Maybe they’ll be able to pull it off but I certainly don’t think so.

Jaguars (3-13)

The Jacksonville Jaguars have only won 14 games in the past 4 seasons. They may have added Julius Thomas but that won’t make a too big of a difference. The defense is still the same which was a major flaw in their game last year.

Titans (2-14)

After finishing at 2-14 last season I don’t think they’ll improve at all. Marcus Mariota hasn’t been too great so far in the preseason. He’ll continue struggling throughout the season which will lead to an expected disappointing season for the Titans.

AFC West

Broncos (11-5)

Everything that happens to the Broncos will be because of Peyton Manning. Their season is in his hands. With news that he has no sensation in his fingertips, fans were unsettled but that shouldn’t be a problem. The Broncos will be able to pull off another impressive season. Who knows? If Manning plays like November 2014 then you may see this team playing in February.

Chiefs (9-7)

The Chiefs will be a disappointment from last season but may have a shot at the wild card spot. If their defense can continue carrying this mediocre offense they’ll be able to pull off at best a 10-6 season. The return of Eric Berry will be a huge factor in this team’s success.

Chargers (9-7)

The Chargers are a solid team with a decent roster. If Philip Rivers can play well, and Melvin Gordon can prove himself, then this team will go far. Sadly the Chiefs, and the Broncos can both beat this team. They have much better rosters and much better depth at all positions.

Raiders (7-9)

The signing of Jack Del Rio will help this team quite a lot this season. But certainly not enough in a division where three of the four teams are playoff contenders. Derek Carr had a decent season last year, and he’ll have a similar one this year. This team will not make the playoffs.

AFC East

Patriots (12-4)

The Patriots have had a weak offseason. They lost many key players and have dodged a bullet with Tom Brady not being suspened 4 weeks. The Patriots offense looked good a few nights ago against the Steelers. They picked up where they left off. The defense looked questionable at times throughout the night. Belichick + Brady = legitimate chance.

Dolphins (10-6)

Ryan Tannehill is a great QB. They signed Jordan Cameron to replace Charles Clay which in my perspective is a win for them. The Dolphins will be playing for a wildcard spot once again this season.

Bills (10-6)

The Buffalo Bills drafted Sammy Watkins last year. Now they have Percy Harvin, Charles Clay, and not to mention LeSean McCoy. They may not have a solid qb, but I believe in Tyrod Taylor. He didn’t spend all this time backing up Joe Flacco for nothing. The signing of Rex Ryan will boost their defense to extreme proportions. You may see this team playing in the playoffs.

Jets (4-12)

The New York Jets seem to have nothing working for them. They signed Darrelle Revis, but lost Percy Harvin and are stuck with Geno Smith and Chris Ivory. Brandon Marshall and Eric Decker will have to hope for a QB change if they want to win.

NFC North

Packers (11-5)

Aaron Rodgers. That is all. As long as the green and gold have him, they're going win the division. Jordy Nelson going down is going to sting but is not going to hurt this team's chance of winning the division. Rodgers makes the players around him great regardless of who it is. The defense should be good enough for the NFC North. 

Lions (10-6)

Losing Ndamukong Suh and Nick Fairley is a major blow to the defense.  However, they replaced Suh with Haloti Ngata, who is a monster DT in his own right. The offense is beyond stacked and Calvin Johnson should be 100% for the start of the season. The Lions will only go as far as Matthew Stafford will take them.

Vikings (9-7)

This one of the more intriguing teams in the NFC. The Vikings are getting AP back, Teddy Bridgewater has emerged and they have tons of raw talent on the offensive and defensive side of the ball. If they can put it all together, a wild card isn't out of the realm of possibility. The Vikings have drafted very well the last few years and it's going to show. Watch out for this team going forward.

Bears (6-10)

The Bears have assembled one of the best coaching staffs in the NFL this off-season. Which is a major upgrade over Marc Trestman and his coaching staff the past two years. That alone should be good enough for a 2-3 game improvement. However, there are a lot of questions surrounding the roster. Ryan Pace has begun his rebuild and is off to a good start. It will take some time and patience but do not expect anything from the 2015 Chicago Bears. 

NFC South

Falcons (10-6)

The Falcons went 2-14 last year. Don't expect that again. They've made some big changes over the off-season. It started with the coaching staff. Mike Smith was shown the door and Seahawks DC, Dan Quinn was brought it. The rest of the group isn't too shabby either. Atlanta did a nice job during the draft and everyone you look they've been graded well. Vic Beasley will bolster that defense and Tevin Coleman will most likely be the starting RB. Already equipped with Jones, White, Hester and Ryan, the offense should so some good things

Buccaneers (8-8)

Call me crazy but I believe the Buccaneers are going to be a decent team this year. Year two under Lovie's schemes showed a great improvement (i.e 2005 Bears). The Bucs had a decent draft headlined by Jameis Winston. Winston was the most NFL ready QB in the draft and if he can stop his off the field shenanigans should be a good QB in this league. They're not there yet but will take a big step forward in 2015.

Panthers (7-9)

Losing Kelvin Benjamin is going to be a bigger blow than originally thought. The Panthers may struggle scoring points. Cam Newton does his superman schtick but we all know that he can't do it alone. Luckily, they have enough (Olsen, Stewart) to win some games. This team's success will be predicated on the defense. Luke Kuechly and now Charles Tillman. Should be fun to watch.

Saints (7-9)

I don't have much faith in the Saints anymore. Brees is getting older and there isn't much there in terms of talent that "wows" you. They had their run and won a Super Bowl in 2009. It's time for the Saints to build for the future. They traded Jimmy Graham to the Seahawks. That should tell you all you need to know about their plans. 

NFC West

Seahawks (12-4)

Despite losing a couple big pieces on defense (including Chancellor holding out), they're still the team to beat in the NFC. They added Jimmy Graham to their offense that already consists of Lynch and Wilson. It's going to be extremely frustrating and annoying for defenses to stop them. 

Cardinals (10-6)

Arizona already was a good team with their defense. If Carson Palmer didn't go down last year, they'd be right there again. This off-season they picked up Chris Johnson to pair with Andre Ellington and upgraded their weakness. It doesn't hurt that they drafted very, very well. They graded out extremely well. Despite this, still going to be tough winning the division in the NFC West. 

Rams (9-7)

Much like the Vikings, this is a young up and coming team. The defensive line is tremendous and there is depth there too. Offensively, they traded for Nick Foles and shipped out Sam Bradford. They drafted Todd Gurley (who once he's healthy, will be a monster). Are the Rams still a under the radar team? Probably. Which bodes well for them and badly for the NFL. They're coming. 

49ers (5-11)

This is the team that has incurred the biggest loss and will drop off the most. It's a been a rough off-season for the 49ers. Jim Harbaugh went to Michigan, Aldon Smith and Ray McDonald just couldn't stay out of trouble, Frank Gore and Mike Iupati left and went elsewhere and four key players retired early into their careers. There aren't enough moves they could make in one season to get over the losses they suffered. It's going to be rough season for them. 

NFC East

Eagles (11-5)

I'm high on the Eagles this year. They've made some big changes and shocked the world this off-season. Chip Kelly doesn't give a damn what anyone thinks and he's doing his thing. They lost Maclin, McCoy, Foles and got Murray, Bradford and Byron Maxwell. Philly did well in the draft grabbing WR Nelson Agholor and CB Eric Rowe. In what seemed like an odd off-season, the Eagles have actually gotten better. Surprisingly. 

Cowboys (11-5)

It was a catch! It was disappointing end to their season but fear not. The Cowboys are returning to the playoffs. They've upgraded their defense and acquired players that Rod Marinelli loves. Greg Hardy and rookie Randy Gregory should bolster that defensive line. They even signed undrafted FA, OT La'el Collins. Collins was poised to be a high 1st round pick but got red flagged for something he had nothing to do with. The biggest loss this off-season was DeMarco Murray but if what everyone is saying is true. The offensive line should yield another 1000 yard runner no matter who the RB is. Joseph Randle, Darren're up.

Giants (8-8)

The team locked up Eli Manning to a brand new deal. This will most likely allow him to retire a Giant. The G-men added Shane Vereen to the mix this off-season allowing them to be three deep at RB. They also drafted S Landon Collins from Alabama. Collins should solidify the position and replace Antrel Rolle. The biggest story of the off-season, though, was JPP losing a finger or two in a fireworks accident. JPP should be back at some point in the season and still be effective. The Giants are a .500 team. 

Redskins (4-12)

No words to express the Redskins. But a picture is worth a thousand here are 2000 of them.

Super Bowl 50

Give me the Steelers and the Seahawks this year in the biggest game of them all. The Steelers will take this one and win their 7th championship in franchise history. 

I'd like to thank my cousin, Kunaal, for helping out and splitting the work load on this prediction blog. Just like two running backs, it'll keep the starter fresh throughout the season. Also, I'd like it be known that the Super Bowl prediction does not reflect his opinion and was 100% mine.